This vision board party is a goal-setting event, where you create a visualisation of your goals.

You are encouraged to bring your own poster boards, print out images, typed words and magazines. The magazines are to find images and quotes that embody the future that you desire for yourself.

With support you will create a board with images of your goals and dreams that will inspire you throughout the year.

We promise you will leave with unlimited inspiration and feeling energized to focus on your goals. This will be the birth of motivation you need to continue building upon them as the year progresses.

The bonus is potentially making some new friends, to build a new community of cheerleaders to celebrate your wins with you as you grow.

Cheers to a successful 2023...

Hosted By

Lordia Lewis-Spencer

Clinical Director and Lead Psychotherapist

London, United Kingdom

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Audrey Hepburn